immune system

Boosting Immunity with Naturopathic Medicine

Do you feel like you catch colds easily? Or constantly battling this low-grade illness that just doesn’t really seem to go away? Maybe you don’t get sick as often, but when you do get sick, it takes you longer than two weeks to recover.

If you answered yes to these above questions, you might have a weakened or compromised immune system. This can result from a variety of different reasons, the main ones being chronic stress, chronic lack of sleep, an unbalanced diet, lack of activity, chronic exposure to mould and other chemicals, and autoimmune conditions.

Our immune system is our primary line of defence against the outside world. It protects us from environmental agents like mould, chemicals, and allergens that we are exposed to on an everyday basis. Our immune system is always on and always working.

5 Tips To Boost Immune System Using Naturopathic Medicine

Now, there are two very important defence mechanisms within the immune system:

  • External defences
  • Internal defences

External defences are the first line of the immune system, preventing the entry of pathogens into our bodies.

These external defences consist of your skin, saliva, tears, beneficial gut bacteria, and stomach acid. Internal defences come into action once the external defences have failed, and now the pathogen has already entered the body. Internal protection consists of your white blood cells and antibodies.

If one fails, another one is ready to act. The secret to strengthening the immune system lies in strengthening both internal and external defences.

Here are some tips:

1. Eat well

Poor dietary choices can deplete your immune system, so it’s important to focus on a whole foods diet high in good-quality proteins, fats, whole grains, and lots of fruits and vegetables. In the winter months, make sure you are eating more warm foods, such as soups, stews, and broths.

It’s also important to incorporate warming spices like turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, and garlic, which can stimulate your immune system.

2. Immunity-supportive nutrients

There are a couple of vitamins and minerals necessary for optimal immune system function, and we’re going to talk about four today.

Vitamin C

The first is vitamin C. It’s a natural antioxidant that has been shown to reduce the severity and duration of colds. You can find vitamin C in citrus fruits, broccoli, and peppers, or supplement with 1000 milligrams for maintenance.

Take vitamin C at the onset of a cold for the best results, but be careful not to take too much, as it may cause loose stools.


Zinc helps in the manufacturing of immune cells and reduces the severity of respiratory illnesses like pneumonia. You can find zinc in meat, legumes, and seeds, or supplement with 15 to 20 milligrams daily. Be careful, as taking zinc on an empty stomach can cause nausea, and prolonged use may lead to copper deficiency.


The third immune-supportive nutrient is probiotics. Seventy percent of your immune system lies within your gut. If your gut microflora is out of balance, you may get sick more often. Look for probiotics with higher doses of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains to reduce the severity of respiratory illness.

Vitamin D

Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to a lower-functioning immune system. You can find vitamin D in fish, eggs, cheese, and sunlight. If supplementing, get tested to determine the correct dosage.

3. Find immune-boosting herbs

Two herbs to focus on are astragalus and Panax ginseng. Astragalus helps support the immune system, especially in times of stress, and is great for immune depletion during seasonal changes. Panax ginseng helps immune cells develop and mature, particularly during the fall to prepare for winter.

4. Shop for immune-boosting mushrooms

Medicinal mushrooms are great for strengthening both internal and external defences. Two to focus on are reishi and cordyceps. Reishi helps with chronic sinus congestion, allergies, and bronchial asthma, while cordyceps supports immune health, especially for those with COPD and asthma.

5. Maintain a regular sleep schedule

Sleep is crucial for immune health. Studies show that immune cells decrease with less than six hours of sleep. Aim for seven to eight hours of restful sleep each night.

As you can see, the immune system plays a crucial role in protecting us from pathogens. If external defences fail, internal ones take over, but once those fail, pathogens can enter the body. If you feel your immune system is compromised, try these five tips to strengthen your immunity.

Contact us today at Calgary Integrative Medicine for more details on how naturopathic medicine can help you regain your health and vitality. As the information above does not constitute medical advice, we encourage you to call us or book your consultation today and embark on a path to stronger immunity and overall wellness!

DISCLAIMER: The information in this article is sourced from publicly available materials and expert opinions. Please consult with your healthcare provider before beginning any new health regimen or treatment.

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