When it comes to skincare, we often focus on topical products used in our morning and night routines. Nutrition’s impact on skin health often gets overlooked or misunderstood.

As we age, our skin undergoes natural changes in its layers and structures, resulting in various effects such as acne, pigmentation, wrinkles, or sagging. These changes can be influenced by both internal (endogenous) and external (exogenous) factors that vary from person to person.

You can spend hundreds of dollars on skincare products, but it’ll do little good if you don’t nourish yourself from within. Let’s understand the impact of a healthy diet on skin and the best superfood to get that glowing skin you’ve always wanted.

Impact of Diet on Your Skin

Certain diets or lack of nutrients can cause very harsh skin problems. The most common example is the lack of Vitamin C, which can cause scurvy. Also, a lack of protein can lead to flaky and discoloured skin.

Dietary choices can affect skin health, but it varies from person to person. While some individuals may eat anything without issue, others may experience a hot, flushed face after just one glass of wine.

If you’re struggling with unresolved diagnosed conditions, consider an elimination diet. This involves cutting out various food groups one at a time to pinpoint potential issues. But let’s get a bit specific:

1. Wrinkles

Yes, wrinkles are part of the aging process—it’s natural. However, maintaining a healthy diet can slow down that process. To increase anti-oxidant activity and strengthen your skin metabolism, protein peptides and fatty acids are beneficial.

Most importantly, limiting carbohydrate intake and sugar consumption prevents you from damaging your skin’s collagen. Getting too much of these enables your body to produce advanced glycation end products (AGEs), an aging proinflammatory molecule.

2. Acne

When new skin cells grow abnormally, they can block pores and trap natural oils under the surface, which can result in acne blemishes when bacteria feed on those oils. Limiting processed foods and excess fat in your diet may help skin cells thrive, preventing the problems that can lead to acne breakouts.

3. Skin Pigmentation

Maintaining even skin pigmentation can be a challenge. Many wonder about white spots on your skin. Several factors cause these spots. A lack of calcium, vitamin D, and E can contribute. These nutrients impact the skin’s melanin function. Melanin gives colour to our skin. A balanced diet is essential for healthy skin.

4. Dry Skin

Lotions, moisturizers, and sunscreens are not enough. There are many kinds of diets, such as low-fat diet deprives your skin of essential fatty acids. When the skin lacks fats, it can lead to dryness since fats help maintain the skin’s hydration by acting as a natural oil barrier.

Foods To Keep Your Skin Healthy

You don’t always need supplements. You can find all these necessary nutrients in real food. Here are some:

  • Salmon: Or any fatty fish like mackerel and herring. These water creatures are one of the best sources of Omega-3 fatty acids. It will help your skin thick, supple, and moisturized.
  • Avocado: Considered one of the best superfoods, Avocado is a great source of healthy fats that help protect your skin from sun damage.
  • Sunflower seeds: An ounce of sunflower seeds contains 5.5 grams of protein, 14% of the DV for zinc, 41% of the DV for selenium, and 49% of the DV for vitamin E.
  • Broccoli: An all-in-one veggie that contains zinc, Vitamins A and C, and lutein. Your body uses these as a protection from sun damage, dryness, and wrinkling.
  • Dark chocolate: The effects of cocoa on your skin are unbelievable. It’s high in anti-oxidant, making your skin less scaly, rough, and sensitive to sunburn.

These are just a few examples of regular foods you can buy at a grocery store that will keep you from harsh skin problems. If you want to learn more about your skin and health overall, contact us today.

The holiday season is a time of celebration for many people, but it can be particularly stressful if you are following a diet and trying to lose weight. Eating healthy during Christmas is difficult, especially when all the food around you looks oh-so-tempting.

But don’t worry! With these helpful tips, surviving Christmas while staying on track with your diet can be a breeze.

7 Tips To Survive Your Diet During Christmas

There’s no better time than the festive season to indulge, but it can be a real challenge if you’re trying to maintain your diet. Here are seven tips to help you stay focused on your health goals without compromising on taste or missing out on the holiday fun:

Tip #1: Plan Ahead

Make a list ahead of time of all the healthy foods you plan to avoid. That way, you can be prepared for any cravings that might come your way. Look up some healthy holiday recipes and stock up on appropriate ingredients.

Work on your mindset, too. Prepare to say no when people try to offer you an unhealthy snack, and keep a supportive environment.

Tip #2: Eat Before You Go

The smartest way not to feel deprived is to have a light snack or meal before you step out for the celebrations. When your stomach gets filled (not full) before attending parties, you can avoid overeating while still enjoying some of the available food.

Tip #3: Fill Your Plate with Greens

Leafy greens are your best bet if you want something nutritious and filling. Spinach, arugula, and romaine lettuce are chock-full of minerals and vitamins that will help keep your energy levels up during the holiday season.

Be sure to fill at least half your plate with these nutrient-dense foods so you don’t go overboard with unhealthy choices like white carbs or sugar. Bonus tip: top it off with a splash of olive oil for some extra flavour.

Tip #4: Don’t Skip Meals Throughout the Day

While it may be tempting to skip meals due to all those Christmas goodies, it can be counterproductive since it makes us prone to binge eating later on. To avoid this dangerous cycle, spread out small meals throughout the day.

Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner as scheduled, but stick to sensible portions each time instead of a single large meal.

Tip #5: Drink Water Wisely

Water is of utmost importance when it comes to weight management. There can’t be too much emphasis on its significance. It helps flush out harmful toxins from the body, lubricates joints and aids in digestion.

Ideally, you should drink eight glasses of water daily, but the Christmas season brings along some cold weather that calls for more intake since your body needs replenishment.

Don’t think twice about gulping down a few glasses at dinner before you hit the treats.

Tip #6: Get Active with Friends & Family

It’s true that food isn’t everything about Christmas – spending quality time with friends and family plays an important role, too! So why not get active instead?

This could mean organizing sports matches, taking a stroll while singing carols under the moonlit sky, playing fun kitchen games or maybe going skiing. These activities are great exercise and put everyone in a better mood!

Tip #7: Be Kind To Yourself

If you slip up and overeat one day, don’t be too hard on yourself. Just remember that tomorrow brings a fresh start. We all have cravings sometimes, so forgiveness is key to keeping morale high while going through this journey of a healthy lifestyle. Go easy on yourself this year – no one’s perfect.

Bottom Line

The festive season can prove tricky if you’re following a diet, but it doesn’t need to be overwhelming. Remember these tips while preparing for Christmas:

  • Plan ahead
  • Fill your plate with greens
  • Drink water
  • Plan some physical activity with family and friends
  • Keep yourself away from unhealthy triggers
  • Be kind to yourself

If you are looking for guidance in weight loss or more tips on managing a healthy diet without compromising on taste  – get in touch with us at Calgary Integrative Medicine! Our medical professionals are always around to help you through your weight loss journey and lead a healthful life this Christmas season. 

Eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep are all important components of a balanced lifestyle. However, understanding the basic metabolic balance rules can help you make better food choices and stick to them over time.

Metabolic balance is the process by which your body maintains a healthy equilibrium between energy use and production. Whether you are trying to lose weight or just want a healthier lifestyle, following these 8 metabolic balance rules can help you reach your goals.

1. Eat only 3 meals a day

Millions of people either skip breakfast or skimp on other meals in the hopes of cutting calories. But this can actually backfire because it slows down your metabolism and makes you more likely to overeat when you do eat.

The rule of thumb is to stick to 3 meals a day and avoid snacking as much as possible. Eating breakfast kick-starts your metabolism in the morning and the other two meals keep it running smoothly, all while keeping your blood sugar levels steady and providing your body with the fuel it needs throughout the day.

2. Take a 5-hour break between meals

Related to the first rule, giving your body a break between meals is essential for a healthy metabolism. It is especially useful if you tend to eat late at night or have trouble with cravings as it gives you a more balanced appetite throughout the day.

The 5-hour rule states that you should give your body at least five hours between meals before eating again. This break allows your digestive system time to process what you’ve eaten and gives your cells time to absorb the nutrients from the food, which are both essential for your weight loss efforts.

3. Keep meals under 60 minutes

Overeating is one of the biggest culprits behind weight gain. But taking too long to eat can also make it harder for your body to process food.

This rule suggests that you should limit your mealtime to under an hour, allowing enough time for the food to be properly digested and absorbed by your body. Otherwise, your insulin levels won’t get low enough to start the fat-burning process.

4. Start each meal with some protein

Protein is essential for keeping us feeling full for longer periods of time while helping build muscle and burn fat. When the body breaks down protein, it secretes hormones that help control hunger and cravings.

Starting each meal with a source of protein such as fish, chicken, turkey, or legumes keeps your metabolic rate high and stabilizes your blood sugar levels, which reduces the urge to snack in between meals.

5. Stick to one kind of protein per meal

There’s no exact science as to why this is, but the theory goes that if you eat too many kinds of protein at once, it can put a strain on your digestive system and slow down your metabolism.

Spreading out your protein intake throughout the day also ensures that you meet your requirements without overloading your body. It could look like two sunny-side eggs for breakfast, grilled chicken breast and steamed rice for lunch, and some baked fish and roasted veggies for dinner.

6. Try to stop eating after 9 pm

Just as important as giving your body a break between meals is stopping eating at a reasonable time. Eating late at night can lead to weight gain and disrupt the normal circadian rhythm, which affects your energy levels and hormones the following day.

If possible, take your last meal before 9 pm to give your body enough time to digest what you’ve eaten before going to bed. Likewise, try not to eat too much for dinner as this will add extra calories that may be hard for your body to process during the night.

7. Drink lots of water

Water is essential for life as it helps your body flush out toxins while boosting your metabolism so that you can burn calories faster. Drinking enough water also keeps you feeling full longer, which can help reduce cravings.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends drinking at least 72 ounces of water for women and 104 ounces for men each day. More active individuals, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and those with certain health conditions need even more than these figures to stay properly hydrated.

8. Eat fruit as dessert

Indulging in something sweet after a meal can be one of life’s simple pleasures. But if you’re trying to lose weight, it may be best to skip the cake and ice cream and reach for fruit instead.

Fruit contains natural sugars that are easier for your body to process than those found in sweet treats like cake and candy. Plus, fruit is a good source of fiber and other essential vitamins and minerals, making it a much healthier choice than most desserts.


Metabolic balance influences blood sugar levels, hormones, and fat and protein metabolism, which can help you manage your weight, fuel your body with the right nutrients, and keep your energy levels up.

Our highly trained health professionals at Calgary Integrative Medicine will help you take care of your body by providing an evidence-based nutrition approach to preventative, corrective, and sustainable care.

Reach your weight and health goals by booking an appointment with us today!

Anyone who has worked out during the summer knows how the heat can quickly drain your energy and make exercise feel like a chore. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up on your fitness goals for the season.

Whether you’re hitting the gym, going for a run, or playing sports, any form of physical activity is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle year-round. So don’t let the summer heat get in the way of your workout routine!

Here are some ways to exercise safely in the summer heat to help you stay comfortable while working up a sweat.

Time it right

Planning your workouts during the cooler hours of the day is essential for exercising in hot weather. As much as possible, schedule your training early in the morning (before 10 am) or late at night (after 6 pm) when temperatures are lower.

If you’re working out in the middle of the day, try to do it indoors or find a shady spot in the park or backyard to avoid overheating. Doing so will reduce your risk for heat-related illnesses and give you more energy during your workout.

Hydrate and rehydrate

Staying hydrated is important, especially when exercising in hot weather. Make sure to drink plenty of water before (17-20 oz.), during (7-10 oz. every 10-20 minutes), and after (16-24 oz. over the next six hours) your workouts to keep your body cool and replenish lost fluids.

If you’re exercising for over an hour, consider drinking a sports drink to replenish electrolytes lost through sweat. Choose a low-sugar variant and consume only when necessary.

Apply some sunscreen

Regardless of the time of day, applying sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher provides an essential layer of protection against the sun’s harmful UV rays. Whether you’re working out indoors or outdoors, sunscreen helps protect your skin from sunburns and other skin damage.

To get the most out of your sunscreen, especially during outdoor workouts, apply it at least 15 minutes before and reapply every two hours or after sweating heavily.

Choose the right clothing

Proper clothing is key to staying comfortable in the summer heat, and this is true even when you’re staying indoors. Wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothing that allows your skin to breathe, and choose moisture-wicking fabrics like nylon or polyester to help keep you cool and dry.

The colour of your workout clothes can also make a difference. Light colours reflect the heat away from the body, while dark colours absorb it. So opt for light or neutral shades to keep your body temperature down.

Take breaks and cool down

Many people push themselves too hard during workouts, which can lead to exhaustion and heat stroke. Take 5-10 minutes every 30 minutes for hydration and rest, which will help keep your body temperature in check.

Always start your workout with a warm-up and end it with a cool-down. Doing so will help you avoid feeling dizzy or lightheaded during high-intensity activities in the heat.

Know your limits

Determining how much physical activity is safe for you in the summer heat depends on your fitness level and age. If you’re new to exercising, start slowly and gradually build up the intensity of your workouts as your body adjusts to the increasing temperatures.

If you feel particularly drained or lightheaded, take it as a sign to slow down and rest for a bit. Listen to your body’s cues and focus on less intense activities that require less energy, like yoga or walking.

Final thoughts

Gym or home workouts, running, and sports are excellent ways to get a good workout during summer. But the intense heat and humidity can quickly take a toll on your body if you’re unprepared.

Our highly trained practitioners at Calgary Integrative Medicine are dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health with our unique approach to preventative, corrective, and sustainable care.

Book an appointment with us to start your journey to better health and fitness this summer.

Congratulations, you’ve made it to your 50s! This is an exciting time of life filled with new opportunities, experiences, and yes, changes. 

One of the most important changes you’ll need to make is in your diet. As our bodies age, our nutritional needs evolve, and what worked for us in our 20s and 30s may not work for us anymore. But don’t worry, making simple changes to your diet can help you stay healthy, vibrant, and energized. 

In this article, we’ll explore the key diet changes you need to make after 50 to feel your best and live your best life. So sit back, and let’s dive into the delicious world of midlife nutrition!

Stay Hydrated

As you age, your body’s water content decreases, and you may not feel thirsty as often. But don’t let that fool you into thinking you don’t need water. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, dizziness, and even confusion. So, make sure you’re drinking plenty of water throughout the day. A good rule of thumb is to aim for at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day.

Fill Up on Fibre

Fibre is your friend! After 50, your digestive system slows down, and constipation can become a real issue. Eating plenty of fibre-rich foods can help keep things moving smoothly; however, make sure to drink enough water to help the fibre work, or else it can contribute to making you constipated. Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are all excellent sources of fibre. Plus, fibre can help lower cholesterol, control blood sugar, and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Keep an Eye on Your Sodium Intake

Speaking of heart health, it’s essential to keep an eye on your sodium intake. High blood pressure is a common issue when you’re older, and too much sodium can make it worse. Try to limit your intake of processed and packaged foods, which are often high in sodium. Instead, opt for fresh, whole foods that you can season with herbs and spices.

Manage Your Metabolism

While it may be tempting to try fad diets or skip meals, these approaches can do more harm than good. Focus on eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of whole foods, fibre, protein, and healthy fats. Recent studies have shown that our metabolism starts to slow down at around 63, but this doesn’t mean you should ignore your hunger signals. Skipping meals can slow it down even more and lead to overeating later on.

Up Your Protein Intake

Another dietary change to consider is increasing your intake of protein. After 50, your body’s ability to absorb protein decreases. This can lead to muscle loss and weakness, making everyday activities more challenging. To combat this, aim for 1 to 1.2 gram(s) of protein per kilogram of body weight each day. Lean meats, fish, beans, and nuts are all excellent sources of protein.

Eat Plenty of Probiotics

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can help improve digestion, boost immunity, and even reduce the risk of certain diseases. When we get older, our gut microbiome can become less diverse, which can lead to digestive issues and other health problems.

Eating probiotic-rich foods such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and miso can help restore balance to your gut microbiome. Taking a probiotic supplement may be beneficial, especially if you’ve recently taken antibiotics or have digestive issues.

Make Sure You’re Getting Those Essential Nutrients

Don’t forget about the importance of vitamins and minerals. As you age, your body may have a harder time absorbing certain nutrients, such as vitamin B12 and calcium. Make sure you’re getting enough of these essential nutrients by eating a varied diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.

With a new year upon us, many of us are looking forward to what lies ahead. This is a great time to set goals for self-improvement.

If you’re looking to get healthier this year, you’re certainly not alone. A recent survey of 1,000 Canadians indicates that fitness and nutrition goals are the most popular new year’s resolutions for 2023.

If you’re wondering how to stay motivated and focused on your goals in the months ahead, remember that taking small steps in support of your resolution can help put you on the path to long-term success.

So, here are 5 healthy tips to kick off the year and help keep you or your family active and healthy. Let’s get started!

Move, Move, Move

Staying healthy and improving your overall quality of life are excellent reasons to exercise as a new year’s resolution. Working out not only helps you look and feel better physically, but it also has numerous mental health benefits.

Exercise can reduce stress levels, boost energy and self-confidence, improve sleep quality and focus, and help regulate mood. Regular exercise can even help protect against certain illnesses such as heart disease or diabetes.

Setting a new year’s resolution to exercise not only helps you establish healthy habits but also shows dedication and commitment to yourself as you strive to reach your goals.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is essential for optimal health and well-being. Aim to get 7-8 hours of sleep per night and create a routine that helps promote enough quality rest.

This could include winding down with a warm bath or shower before bedtime, avoiding screens before bedtime, and keeping your bedroom at a comfortable temperature.

Not getting enough sleep can lead to chronic fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and weakened immunity. Additionally, lack of sleep has been linked to higher levels of stress hormones in the body, which can lead to depression and anxiety.

Boost Your Mood With Happy Foods

Although food, in general, can provide comfort and a sense of happiness and reward, nutrition also plays an active role in our emotions. Research has shown that what we eat affects how we think. 

Eating foods that increase serotonin levels, for instance, can help improve your mood, reduce stress, and improve sleep quality. These are, in particular, foods that are high in tryptophan, an amino acid found naturally in many food sources.

Foods such as eggs, turkey, salmon, nuts, oats, seeds, bananas, avocados, pineapples, and dark chocolate are all good sources of tryptophan which can help increase serotonin levels. 

These happy foods when consumed along with a healthy diet can work wonders for our moods, allowing us to proceed through the day with a more positive attitude.

Drink More Water

Staying hydrated is essential for health and performance. Remember that water makes up about 60 percent of our body weight and plays an instrumental role in maintaining overall health.

Water helps to regulate our body temperature, aids digestion, transports nutrients throughout the body, and helps flush out toxins.

Make sure to drink enough water throughout the day – aim for at least 8 glasses per day – and reduce your intake of sugary drinks like soda or energy drinks. This may seem like a lot, but you can make it easy by carrying around a reusable water bottle and sipping on it throughout the day.

If you prefer, you can also add flavour to your water with fruits such as lemons or berries for an added zing.

Focus on your Zen

By taking time each day to practice Zen-inspired activities such as mindful breathing, guided imagery, or simply sitting quietly in a peaceful location you can help to reduce stress and anxiety while connecting with your innermost self.

The more you practice Zen, the more likely you are to gain clarity about what truly matters most in your life and how to best live it. This could mean making healthier decisions for yourself or committing to a new goal or project.

Cultivating this type of mindset will allow you to live each day with intention rather than letting it pass by without considering its purpose or meaning.

In Conclusion

A solid new year’s resolution is the first step in your journey to self-improvement this year, and your actions can turn it into a reality. These simple healthy tips can go a long way toward making the new year a fulfilling and motivating one. So, let’s make this year a great one by starting it off right!

For a full focus on your health journey, you can also seek the advice of professionals at Calgary Integrative Medicine. As Calgary’s premier naturopathic clinic, we offer a wide variety of services to help you live a more fulfilling life.

Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you on your wellness journey!

Healthy eating is important, but sometimes we get in a rut and eat the same thing day after day.

Take your breakfast, for example. Breakfast is the prime time for resetting your mind and body for an awesome, productive day. If you normally have a bowl of cold cereal or perhaps toast and jam, you’re missing out on a lot of delicious options that are good for your mind and body.

Here are 7 tips to help you break out of your breakfast rut to start your day off right:

1. Hydrate first thing in the morning

Staying hydrated is important for overall health, and it can also help you feel fuller longer. So, start your day with a glass of water or a cup of herbal tea. You can also add some fruit to your water for a refreshing and healthy treat.

2. Make time for breakfast

If you’re like most people, you’re probably rushing around in the morning trying to get ready for work or school. It can be tempting to skip breakfast or just grab something on the go.

But by taking the time to sit down and enjoy a healthy breakfast, you’ll have more energy and focus throughout the day. Plus, you’ll be less likely to make unhealthy choices later on.

3. Consider eggs

Eggs are a great source of protein, and they can be prepared in a variety of ways. Whether you like them scrambled, poached, or sunny-side up, there’s an egg dish for everyone. They also tend to be more filling than other breakfast options like cereal or toast, so you’ll be less likely to snack before lunchtime.

4. Eat something warm

There’s nothing like a warm, comforting breakfast on a cold morning, and it doesn’t have to be unhealthy. Oatmeal, pancakes, and eggs can all be prepared in a healthy way. Just avoid adding too much butter or syrup.

You can also make your own healthy versions of some favorite comfort foods, like baked oatmeal cups or whole wheat banana muffins.

5. Pack it up

If you’re always on the go, you can still have a healthy breakfast. Just make sure to pack something that will travel well and won’t need to be refrigerated. Yogurt, whole grain bread, hard-boiled eggs, and fruit are all good options.

If you’re really short on time, you can always grab a quick breakfast bar or shake. Just check the labels to make sure they’re not loaded with sugar and empty calories.

6. Get creative with oatmeal

Oatmeal is a great breakfast choice because it’s hearty and filling. But it doesn’t have to be boring. There are endless ways to dress up oatmeal and make it more interesting.

Try adding some fruit, nuts, or even a dollop of peanut butter. You can also experiment with different flavors of instant oatmeal, like apple cinnamon or blueberry.

7. Prepare ahead of time

If you want to make sure you have a healthy breakfast every day, it can help to prepare the night before. You can also make a batch of overnight oats or hard-boiled eggs at the beginning of the week. Or prepare some pancakes or waffles and freeze them, so you can just pop them in the toaster or microwave when it’s time to eat them.

Final Thoughts

A healthy breakfast is a great way to start your day. By following these simple tips, you can make sure that you’re getting the nutrients you need to stay fit and healthy, and you don’t get bored with your breakfast options.

Our team of professionals at Calgary Integrative Medicine focuses on providing sustainable, long-term health solutions, from massage therapy to hormone optimization.

If you tend to hit the snooze button on breakfast, book your consultation with us today, so you can live your best life!

A healthy diet is important for everyone, regardless of age or activity level. Eating a healthy diet has many benefits, such as reducing the likelihood of having chronic medical conditions like heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Having a balanced, healthy diet can also help you:

  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Have more energy
  • Reduce your stress levels
  • Improve your mood

We’ve listed five simple habits to help you start eating a healthy diet today.

5 Simple Habits For Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is more than just what you eat—it’s about developing healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

1.    Mind your eating habits

Mindful eating means being aware of what you are eating and why. Pay attention to your body’s signals, such as hunger and fullness. Likewise, slow down and appreciate the textures and flavours of your food. This will help you eat less and enjoy your food more.

2.    Cook more often

If you plan ahead, you are less likely to make unhealthy choices. You can also look for recipes that are nutritious and simple to make. Prepare meals or snacks in advance, bring a healthy lunch to work, and pack snacks for when you’re on the go.

In addition, consider involving others in planning, preparing, and eating meals. This will help make healthy eating more fun and social.

3.    Enjoy your food

Developing healthy eating habits is only sustainable if you enjoy the process. Try not to stress about food and weight. Instead, focus on fueling your body with healthy foods that you love. When you enjoy your food, you’re more likely to stick with healthy eating habits.

One tip: try embracing culture and diversity when it comes to food. This will help you discover new foods to enjoy and expand your healthy eating repertoire.

4.    Eat a variety of healthy foods each day

There are plenty of foods that have been shown to be beneficial for our health, so aim to include plenty of different types in your diet:

  • Fruits and vegetables: These should make up most of your diet, as they are packed with nutrients and antioxidants that can protect against disease. Try to include a variety of different colours in your meals to get the most benefit.
  • Whole grains: These contain fibre and other important nutrients which help keep us healthy. Choose whole-grain versions of bread, pasta, and rice whenever possible.
  • Proteins: Proteins are essential for building and maintaining muscle and can also help to keep us feeling full. Make sure to choose lean protein sources like fish or chicken and avoid processed meats.
  • Healthy fats: Compared to saturated fats, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats can help to improve our health. Healthy fats can be found in nuts, seeds, olive oil, and avocado.

As highly processed foods are hard to avoid, try to eat them less often and in small amounts. If given a choice, pick healthier food options when eating out.

In addition, instead of sugary drinks like iced teas and milk teas, make water your drink of choice. Drinking plenty of water can help keep us hydrated, boost our metabolism, and improve our skin health.

5.    Pay attention to portion sizes

Portion size is an important part of healthy eating. When you’re served a large portion, you may be more likely to overeat. Try to control your portion sizes by using smaller plates and bowls.

In addition, mind the portions of your different foods. For example, your grains and proteins should fill a quarter of your plate each. Likewise, make sure half your plate consists of fresh produce at every mealtime.

There is no one perfect way to eat healthily, but there are definitely some simple habits that can make a big difference. By applying some or all of these tips to your daily routine, you can start eating healthier without making too many changes or sacrifices.

To learn more about how to make healthy eating a part of your life, get in touch with Calgary Integrative Medicine today by calling 403-202-7272 or filling out our contact form to schedule your initial consultation.

From cute and spooky costumes to buckets of candy, Halloween can be one of the sweetest nights of the year for both kids and parents alike. Trick-or-treating and fond memories aside, however, it’s important that we limit both our and our kids’ sugar intake this Halloween to stay healthy and keep our immune system working at its best. To help you overcome the downsides of too much sugar while still having a great time, we’ve listed four easy ways to limit sugar this Halloween.

Control How Much Candy You and Your Kids Keep and Donate the Rest

One great way of limiting your and your kids’ sugar intake this Halloween is by letting your kids pick out their favorite pieces of candy and donating the rest. While some kids may be reluctant to just give away their hard-earned candy, giving them the option to turn in their sweet treats for things like new toys or fun activities can serve as a good incentive to get them to give away their candy.

To make things more interesting, you could start a “Switch Witch” tradition, where you buy a couple of toys and non-candy treats and let your kids know that the Switch Witch will visit during the night – swapping any candy left out for toys and other goodies, just like they’d leave milk and cookies out for Santa.

Swap Out the Candy for Healthy Themed Snacks

If like many you purchase all your Halloween candy before the big night, chances are you and your kids will be snacking on it in the days leading up to the holiday. Believe it or not, however, Halloween is a great time to encourage kids to try new, and healthier foods. Something as simple as a mixed tray of fruits, cheese, and other healthy snacks can turn into a fun activity where you and your kids can get creative and come up with new “spooky” snacks. Not only does this allow you to spend more time with your kids, but it also offers an opportunity to get them to try new foods they otherwise wouldn’t be willing to try.

Skip the Candy and Offer Non-food Halloween Treats

Halloween doesn’t have to be all about the candy. Healthy snacks and even non-food gifts can be a fun alternative gift for young trick-or-treaters. Temporary tattoos, stickers, crayons, themed rings, bubble blowers, and bouncy balls are all things kids would love and would go down a treat. Consider creating themed goody bags and pairing these non-food treats with healthier snack foods, such as popcorn, string cheese, pretzels, or the themed snacks mentioned earlier, and you’re bound to have a successful night.

Focus on the Fun, Not the Sugar

It’s easy to get caught up in all the candy and sweet treats when Halloween rolls by, but it’s equally as important to focus on the fun of the holiday. There are loads of things you can do on and around Halloween that don’t involve sugar, including face painting, pumpkin carving, treasure hunts, and putting up spooky decorations. Whatever you can do to keep yourself and the kids moving this Halloween without focusing on sugary snacks does wonders to limit sugar intake and have a healthier holiday.

Have a Happy and Healthy Halloween from Calgary Integrative Medicine

With Halloween occurring right on the onset of cold and flu season and excessive sugar intake leading to a compromised immune system, limiting sugar this Halloween is especially important. To learn more about how integrative medicine and proper nutrition can help support your and your child’s immune system during Halloween and the upcoming holiday season, get in touch with Calgary Integrative Medicine today to schedule your initial consultation.

Also known as the hunter-gatherer diet and the caveman diet, the paleo diet focuses on the idea that our genetics and anatomy have changed very little since the Paleolithic period. Therefore, eating a diet closer to what our primitive ancestors ate is more aligned with our genetics, and thus better for our health. Limiting food choices to what could be hunted or gathered in the Paleolithic period, mainly meats, fish, and certain fruits and vegetables, the paleo diet virtually eliminates foods that stem from the agricultural revolution, such as grains, dairy, and legumes.

In any case, going on a paleo diet encourages you to eat more healthily and pay more attention to where your food is sourced. In many cases, it could even help you lose weight and benefit your overall health! Let’s take a closer look at how the paleo diet works and why it’s one of our favorite diets. 

How the Paleo Diet Works

The way the paleo diet works is by helping us revert to a more primitive diet better suited for early humans. The main reasoning behind this is that our bodies are genetically mismatched to our modern-day diets. Most of what we eat nowadays is a result of the popularization of farming practices around 10,000 years ago, which introduced foods such as dairy products, grains, bread, and legumes as dietary staples. The introduction of these foods, in turn, came quicker than our ability to adapt to them and is believed to play a role in modern-day health concerns like obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Instead of relying on farmed and processed foods, the paleo diet focuses on food that was once obtained by our ancestors through hunting and gathering. This includes lean meats and fish, as well as nuts, seeds, and low-glycemic fruits and vegetables.

What to Eat and What to Avoid on the Paleo Diet

The paleo diet is a high protein, moderate fat, low carbohydrate, high fiber, and low sodium and sugar diet. Fats in this diet consist mainly of unsaturated fats, such as those found in fish, avocadoes, nuts, and seeds, and carbohydrates are limited to low-glycemic index carbohydrates. For instance, despite potatoes being historically available during the Paleolithic period, they are typically avoided while on the paleo diet due to their high glycemic index. Non-starchy vegetables like broccoli, carrots, and cucumbers, however, are perfectly fine to eat on the paleo diet.

As far as proteins go, many tend to emphasize lean, grass-fed meat over conventional grain-fed meat, since it’s a good source of protein and lower in saturated fat. Grass-fed meat is also a good source of omega-3 fats. Pound for pound, however, oily fish like salmon offers a much higher concentration of omega-3 fats than beef and other lean meat, which is why some might recommend limiting red meat intake and opting for fish instead.

Naturally, processed foods are to be kept to a bare minimum due to the diet’s emphasis on fresh foods. Some exceptions can be made, however, for things like frozen fruits and vegetables. Other foods to avoid include grains like wheat and barley, dairy products, refined sugar, salt, and legumes like beans, lentils, peanuts, and peas.  

Can the Paleo Diet Really Help You Lose Weight?

When compared to other popular diets like the Mediterranean diet or the NNR diet, some studies have shown the paleo diet to be an effective way of losing weight, lowering blood pressure, and improving cholesterol levels. Overall, the majority of clinical trials so far suggest that a paleo diet may provide certain benefits, but this doesn’t mean that it’s for everyone. As with any diet, whether the paleo diet is suitable for you depends on a wide variety of factors and you’re better off following the advice of a nutrition specialist.

If you’re looking to help to lose weight and keep it off, get in touch with our Calgary weight loss clinic today. We offer personalized metabolic balance programs based on your blood work and tailored to your personal food preferences. Reach out to us today at 403-202-7272 or contact us online to book your initial consultation and find out more about how we can help you achieve your health and weight loss goals.